Equine Assisted Therapy

Equine Assisted psychotherapy involves the inclusion of the Nature Nuture Therapy horse herd as co-facilitators, teachers and supports in your therapy sessions.

Horses are strong, intelligent and sensitive beings. They can evoke strong feelings and responses and unconscious feelings and needs, while being available for therapeutic attention and processing. Healthy horses can provide an emotional and sensory environment for clients that is conducive of calmness and developing of trust. Horses can offer non-judgmental responses to people and acceptance that is different from other people, even trained mental health practitioners. Horses are naturally curious and playful beings. If treated with kindness and respect, they are enthusiastic in joining clients in their experiences at Nature Nurture Therapy.

Horses live in constant awareness of themselves, each other and their environment. Due to Horses being highly perspective species, they will react behaviourally to each client differently - due to each individuals non-verbal communication, energy, tension, relaxation, approach, feelings, thoughts and behaviours. This horse response acts as a feedback for the clients and provides a rich opportunity for people to increase self awareness, choice and responses.

Equine assisted therapy sessions vary each time and are unique to every individual and their therapeutic needs. Sessions may involve observing the herd dynamics, spending time with one or multiple horses, or more hands on experiences such as grooming or working with the horses on the lead line. All experiences are conducted with safety being a number one priority. All contact with the horses is completely invitational. There is a strong focus on horse welfare, the needs of the horse are considered as important as that of the clients.

Equine and Animal Assisted Learning for Children

Our program for children was created with the aim to provide a nurturing, inclusive space for families who are looking for a different approach to personal growth and mental health support. Our experiential model is play based and invites children on a journey of self-discovery and self-care in a way that is fun and engaging, through experiences with our animal team within our nature-based space.

Our 1:1 program for children aged 7-12 was created with the aim to provide a nurturing, inclusive space for families who are looking for a different approach to personal growth, emotional and nervous system regulation and social skill development. Our experiential model is play based and invites children on a journey of self-discovery and self-care in a way that is fun and engaging, through experiences with our animal team within our nature-based space.

Counselling provides an opportunity to explore, reflect and empower individuals who need support around

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Stress
  • Relationships
  • ASD
  • Emotional regulation
  • Substance abuse and addiction
  • Sleep
  • Trauma
  • Personality Disorders
  • Socialising
  • Self worth and confidence